Our violin making studio in Munich has established an international reputation for making, selling, repairing and advising on stringed musical instruments. We offer a range of carefully selected instruments and bows representing the highest musical quality available in every price category. We make on average around three to five instruments per year in our studio – tonally, our most acclaimed instrument is based on a Guarneri del Gesù 1742 violin. We specialise in top quality French master bows from the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, we stock a large range of student violins, orchestral violins and instruments for hire. All instruments and bows can be inspected and tried out in our studio and you can trust us to deliver a personal service that takes every customer’s individual needs and requirements into account. Geigenbau Fischer GmbH is a member of the Verband deutscher Geigenbauer und Bogenmacher e.V. (VDG) and of the Chamber of Handicrafts (HWK) for Upper Bavaria’s Master Craftsman Board of Examiners and works closely with leading international experts in both London and Paris.