Description Very fine violin by Paul BAILLY (ca. 1844 – 1907) built in Paris in 1902. Paul BAILLY had settled first in London and later in New York. From 1899 he moved his studio to Paris. Paul [...]
Description Violin in mint condition by Charles DROUIN (1847 – ca. 1910), built in Mirecourt in 1908. The violin bears the original note on the inside of the back: [...]
Description Very good violin bow from the house of Jérôme THIBOUVILLE-LAMY (1833 – 1902), built around 1930. Jérôme is the son of Louis Martin THIBOUVILLE. He married Marie Marguerite Hyacinte [...]
Description Very good violin bow by Eugène CUNIOT, called CUNIOT-HURY (1861-1910) from the period around 1900. He learned the trade of bow maker from his father Pierre CUNIOT. After his [...]
Description Cello from our workshop by Lena Fischer from 2020. This cello was inspired by a work by Johann Baptist Schweitzer from 1831. Measurement Length of the body 74,6cm Belly stop 40,5cm [...]
Description Interesting violin by François Hyppolite CAUSSIN (1830 – 1898) built in Neufcháteau in the period around 1875. The violin bears on the inside of the back the note : [...]
Description Very interesting violin by Riccardo GENOVESE built in Lecco in 1927. The violin bears the original note on the inside of the back: Riccardo Genovese – fecit [...]
Description Rare cello in size 1/2 by Jean-Baptiste SALOMON (1713 – 1767) Paris. SALOMON is one of the most important representatives of the Vieux Paris School (Old Paris). He was born in Reims [...]
Description Very good violin bow by Emile François OUCHARD (Père) (1872 to 1951) around 1915. OUCHARD Père first worked in the workshop of CUNIOT-HURY in Mirecourt. After his death in 1910, he [...]
Description Very good violin bow by Marie Louis PIERNOT (1880 – 1959) from around 1920. Louis PIERNOT learned bow making from Charles Nicolas BAZIN and stayed with BAZIN from 1892 to 1900. He [...]
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